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Technical Solutions
Repair and Calibration
Aircraft Damage Assesment Kit

Aircraft Damage Assesment Kit

Product No.:
Del 10 Days
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Price Break 1 Stk
0,00  DKK
The damage assesment kit is made with close partnership with MRO’s and Air-lines who needed a fixed kit that could be used on all aircraft types to assesment of damages on the airframe.

The flight case with TCS foam and document holder in the lid contains:
1ea Roller with Digital dial gauge
1ea Cargo Door Measuring Profile
1ea Degital Vernier Caliper
1ea Neelde File Set & Feeler Gauges
1ea Imperial Steel Ruler & Tape Measure
1ea Masking Tape & Incremental Tape
1ea x10 Magnifier and Precission Marking Pen/Pencil

This Organic case reduce the CO² pollution by at least 2.600 g.
ALT. PN: STD-14434, STD-1070, MNH3002, DIK51-00